Tournament Booking


  • All tournaments must have a sponsoring member in good standing of Valley Golf & Country Club. If the sponsoring member is a playing guest, the guarantee of a proprietary member is required as co-sponsor of the event.
  • A sponsoring member shall be responsible for the conduct and decorum of tournament participants while in the golf course and/or the Clubhouse premises. Guests must abide by all the rules and regulations of the Club. All accounts incurred by guests/tournament participants (including green fees) shall be settled in CASH after the registration of the tournament day otherwise, these will be charged to the Sponsoring Member’s account.
  • Minimum of 25 paying guests.
    • Should the number of paying guests fall below the minimum required; the tournament organizer/sponsoring member shall be held liable for the balance.
    • If the number of participants exceeds 10% of the reserved number, there will be an additional charge of Php 100.00 for every player over ten percent of the reserved number.
    • In the event that the chosen tournament date is declared a holiday, Valley Golf reserves the right to reschedule said tournament to another date which shall be mutually acceptable to both the tournament organizer and Valley Golf.
  • Postponement or Cancellation shall be done at least one (1) week before the reserved tournament date. If cancellation is made after this deadline, deposit is non-refundable. No postponements or rescheduling will be done after the aforementioned deadline.
  • Seniors’ Discount on green fees are not applicable for all tournaments.
  • In cases of foul weather, the tournament may not be cancelled or postponed.
  • Caddy Fees (minimum P400), Golf Cart fees (P800), Drinks and Meals and other incidentals are for the individual player’s account, payment of which is guaranteed by the sponsoring member and/or tournament organizer/sponsor and must be paid in CASH.
  • VGCCI Members have priority over tournament participants. The Club reserves the right to allow its members to tee off on tournament venues when needed.
  • A sponsoring member who falsely gives wrong information or fails to comply with above conditions will be referred to the Membership Committee for Disciplinary Actions.